Friday, June 26, 2009

I've been found

As I was sending rounds of drinks and telling bad MJ jokes on Facebook, a little message box popped up. In the box was "Hi". I said "Hi" back. Come to find out it's my nephew, in Albuquerque whom I haven't seen for at least 100 years. I didn't even know you could IM on Facebook. My brother and I do not get along (putting it nicely) and when we parted ways, he got the relatives. Said nephew and I post back and forth for about 45 minutes and he tells me that he has missed me. This was nice to hear, as I usually get vemon from that side of the family. When we parted I took my two girls and started a new branch.

I don't usually get the warm fuzzies over family matters, except my branch, but it was nice to talk to him and we will be chatting by phone on Sunday to catch up on stuff. He's approaching 40 and just started his family. Just had his second child, which looks just like him. Anywho, I will finish this post or start another when I talk to him over the weekend, after I have told my kids. I guess Facebook is not the place to go if you're looking to hide.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I'm a nut magnet

Why, do you ask, am I posting again so soon? Well, it's because I just realized that I am a magnet for people of questionable sanity. Yep, that's right. You remember that I posted about the back neighbor coming over and invading my space? It's happened again. I bought an iced coffee from Dunkin's yesterday, got on Helen ( wheels), my tricycle, filled my basket with my Ballsack, my coffee, and an umbrella and headed off to the park. I love to sit by the water and watch the fish jump and knit, sipping away at said coffee.

I'm sitting at my table, on the water, enjoying my peace, when a group of 6-8 people come and occupy the table next to mine. I don't have any problems with that. 10 minutes or so go by and they seem to be having a nice time. Just about this time, one of them comes over to me and asks whether he could borrow cigarettes for his group. (Everyone knows you can't borrow cigarettes. Once they are burned they are no more). I politely decline.

About a half hour later one of the group comes over and queries me about cigarettes for the group. Again, I decline. This time a little firmer. Now I am a little peeved, but nothing serious. I realize that this group is mentally challenged and I could deal with it.

A gentleman (?) is running along the water and decides he needs to sit on my picnic table and thrust his conversation upon me. "Hi, I'm Dave. I hear voices. They're not bad voices though. Sometimes they sing to me. They never tell me to do bad things" "Uh...hi Dave" He goes on to tell me that his mother (who must be around 100) lives in Michigan, on the water and it's beautiful there.
Do I fish? I used to says me. Dave: I don't fish anymore I don't want to hurt them. "That's nice"

He goes on to tell me he was in Viet Nam and draws me mental pictures of everyone who died there in his group. I'm feeling bad so I let him go on. His next question guessed it. "Can I have a cigarette?" Now, I am really starting to feel put upon. I did let him have one and let him go on for about twenty minutes. In the meantime, I have not knitted a single stitch for lack of concentration.

I pack up my stuff, throw it all in the basket and head home. Waving adieu to Dave. My visit to the park cut short by "smokers". I think everyone but me should quit smoking or at least start buying your own and leave me the hell alone and let me knit, or read or pick my nose in peace.

I wonder if I will have another day from "Deb's Bogus Adventure" today. I know they're out there, just waiting for me.

ETA: This post has not been corrected for spelling, content or punctuation. I don't care right now.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Life Sucks and than something else hits you.

I haven't been on too much lately, as it seems that one thing after another has been happening. I am up to my armpits in laundry (washer broke) and having been washing undies by hand. I haven't been able to transport said wash to laundromat, because of financial reasons. I'm sure most of you don't want to hear any of this because you all have your own problems. But, as I mentioned in my first entry, this is for me, not for you. I have to find a way to vent and this is it.

It isn't all bad though. The other day my neighbor (behind me) trimmed back all his palms and now I have a clear view of his yard. And, he of mine. I usually go out on the lanai to read, eat, drink and such. As I was having my supper last night and reading (in my pajamas) I happened to look up. There was a man standing outside my lanai, staring at me, with a beer in his hand. Evidently, he is my neighbor's new tenant, who thought he'd take it upon himself to introduce us. He continued to tell me all about himself, with a stutter, which made it a little hard to understand. I now know his life story. I want my bushes back!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Sucky Graduation

You go to school for 12-13 years. Struggle through all the classes and teen angst to get to the point where you can graduate and become or try to become an adult. It is the end of your school years in some cases. Such is the case with my lovely granddaughter, Taylor. She was informed last week that she was a half credit shy in her Marine Biology class and would not be allowed to walk with the rest of the class. School has been a struggle for her since she was little, but she has pushed herself and finally persevered. Then she was told she would not be allowed to graduate with the rest of her class. This is a one time thing, never to be repeated. She was heart broken, as were her parents and I. Every one I have talked to has said their child, grandchild, neighbor was allowed to walk with the class and make up the credit in summer school. Not in Cape Coral.

So, yesterday was her school graduation and she would not go to anyone elses graduation party, as she was embarrassed and unhappy. Her other grandparents had come down from Ohio to see her graduate. Today we had a lovely dinner for her with balloons, a graduation cake and cards with moola. She was happy. She is going back to summer school next week to finish up, but it will never be the same. But, I am very proud of my granddaughter for going the distance.

Tay, I love you and I am very proud to be your grandmother.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Hump Day

Ah yes, I remember Wednesdays very well. When I worked, I looked forward to Wednesday. It was the very middle of the work week, the next day was payday and it was two days from the weekend. Not working has its perks but I miss Wednesdays. Now every day of the week is the same. I get up, have coffee, turn on the computer and fall into the time suck that is Ravelry. I knit, watch Hulu, read and graze. Then it will be wine time! I can't tell a Wednesday from a Sunday. Enough about Wednesday, except to say the weather on this particular Wednesday is almost perfect. Now, back to my routine, only four hours till Wine Time.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

At Long Last I Succomb!

I have been reading other blogs for a long time and it just seemed like the right time for me to start my own. I have nothing in particular to say but, I am in good company. This will be my thoughts, for me and if you want to come along for the ride, hop on. Nothing says I will be faithful in adding to my blog (I hate that word), or even let you know I have one. You will find attitude here. Sometimes good and sometimes...well, not so good.

I knit, I read, I smoke and I drink, I have an opinion and I give advice. (Here, take my advice, I'm not using it). You may not like what I have to say but, as I mentioned before, this is for me by me and if you don't like what I post, take a hike. No recipes here. If you want recipes, check in with Martha. Enough said.